
(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 6

René Larenas M. 8 Sep 202208/09/22 a las 21:51 hrs.2022-09-08 21:51:08
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Sept. 8th.)
(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 6' has been already uploaded to 'Material Docente' section

(2) You need to deliver the 'Video Talk 1' activity by September 23rd [Friday]. After this date, you get a 5.0 as a top mark.

(3) The second blog entry has been already uploaded. Here's the link:   The delivery date is meant for next Sept. 22nd.

For our next lesson (Sept. 20th.)

(1) We will be working on our next lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for almost all of the evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles), ‘Two artists fuse styles on one canvas (Part I)’,

(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) How has this experiment been going so far for both artists? Do they get along with each other?
(2.1.2) Will they be able to finish their work? What is your prediction?

(2.1.2) With the information provided by the video, comment on one point that you think is relevant. Provide two reasons for this relevance.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 5

René Larenas M. 6 Sep 202206/09/22 a las 20:08 hrs.2022-09-06 20:08:06
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Sept. 6th.)
(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 5' has been already uploaded to 'Material Docente' section

(2) Here we have already explained how the Video Talk #1 evaluation is going to work for us during this semester, this means,

(2.1) A .docx document has already been uploaded in which you can find a detailed description of the evaluation format, and delivery rules, among other technicalities. So, please, take a look at this document that goes under the name of '(S.8)_English_4_Artes_[JGM]_Video_Talk_1_Instructions_&_Procedures.docx'

(2.2) Another .docx document has already been uploaded in which you can find the rubric for Video Talk#1. This document goes under the name of '(S.2)_English_4_Artes_[JGM]_Video_Talk_1_Rubric.docx'

(2.3) You need to deliver this video by September 23rd [Friday]. After this date, you get a 5.0 as a top mark.

(3) The video file for this lesson is already uploaded to u-cursos, 'Clase Virtual' section

For our next lesson (Sept. 8th.)

(1) We will be working on our next lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for almost all of the evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles), ‘Two artists fuse styles on one canvas (Part I)’,

(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) How has this experiment been going so far for both artists? Do they get along with each other?
(2.1.2) Will they be able to finish their work? What is your prediction?

(2.1.2) With the information provided by the video, comment on one point that you think is relevant. Provide two reasons for this relevance.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 7

René Larenas M. 1 Sep 202201/09/22 a las 19:10 hrs.2022-09-01 19:10:01
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Aug. 30th.) 

(1) Here we have already explained how the Video Talk #1 evaluation is going to work for us during this semester, this means,

(2.1) A .docx document has already been uploaded in which you can find a detailed description of the evaluation format, and delivery rules, among other technicalities. So, please, take a look at this document that goes under the name of '(S.8)_English_4_Artes_[JGM]_Video_Talk_1_Instructions_&_Procedures.docx'

(2.2) Another .docx document has already been uploaded in which you can find the rubric for Video Talk#1. This document goes under the name of '(S.2)_English_4_Artes_[JGM]_Video_Talk_1_Rubric.docx'

(2.3) You need to deliver this video by September 23rd [Friday]. After this date, you get a 5.0 as a top mark.

(3) The video file for this lesson is already uploaded to u-cursos, 'Clase Virtual' section

For our next lesson (September 5th.)

(1) We will be working on our next lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for almost all of the evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles),Two artists fuse styles on one canvas (Part I)’,

(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) How has this experiment been going so far for both artists? Do they get along with each other?
(2.1.2) Will they be able to finish their work? What is your prediction?

(2.1.2) With the information provided by the video, comment on one point that you think is relevant. Provide two reasons for this relevance.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Lesson for today will be performed synchronously [onl 4

René Larenas M. 1 Sep 202201/09/22 a las 13:31 hrs.2022-09-01 13:31:01
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

As we already know, and at the English Program Coordination request, we will be having our lesson [6:30 pm] in an online format. So, as you know an online [synchronous] lesson means that:

(2.1) 15 minutes before the synchronous (online) lesson starts, please log to ‘u-cursos’ ('Clase Virtual' section) and connect to the lesson from there

(3) Once the lesson is finished, I will be sending you 2 items,

(3.1) The teaching material (PPT file and an audio file), if required, and

(3.2) The lesson will be recorded for you to have an archive to look at. This video link will be attached to the 'Clase Virtual' section, in other words, the audio-visual lesson archive will be saved on ‘u-cursos’

Any questions you may have, either in English or Spanish, please feel free to write back.

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 5

René Larenas M. 30 Ago 202230/08/22 a las 21:55 hrs.2022-08-30 21:55:30
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Aug. 30th.) 

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 4' is already has been already uploaded

For our next lesson (Sept. 1st.)

(1) We will be working on our next lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for almost all of the evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, we will talk about our 1st Video Assignment [due on Sept. 22nd.] so we will have no video session

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 8

René Larenas M. 25 Ago 202225/08/22 a las 21:34 hrs.2022-08-25 21:34:25
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Aug. 25th.) 

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 3' is already has been already uploaded

(2) Here we have already explained how the blog format is going to work for us during this semester, this means,

(2.1) A .docx document has already been uploaded in which you can find a detailed description of the evaluation format, and delivery rules, among other technicalities. So, please, take a look at this document that goes under the name of '(S.8)_English_4_Artes_[JGM]_Blog_Instructions.docx'

(2.2) The 'tareas' section has been updated with a delivery date [next week, Sept. 1st] for our first blog entry called 'A country you would like to visit'. You will find detailed instructions on this blog entry at the following link;

(2.2.1) The idea is that you read your teacher's entry, leave a comment, and write your own entry on your blog site [] that you will create for this purpose. Once you have created a blog site for your own entries, you must upload this link to the tareas section called: '1.Blogs (15%) -Blog link-'

For our next lesson (August 30th.)

(1) We will be working on our first synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for almost all of the evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles), 'Sandra Peters Makes Art From Architecture’

(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) Can Art and Architecture work together to create something new? Why yes? Why No?

(2.1.2) Please explain, in your own words, how is this artist [Sandra Peters] taking elements from architecture and making a form of art

(3) We will talk about our 1st Video Assignment next Thursday [due on Sept. 22nd.]

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards


(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 5

René Larenas M. 23 Ago 202223/08/22 a las 21:07 hrs.2022-08-23 21:07:23
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (August 23rd.) 

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 2' can be found in the ‘Material Docente’ section

For our next lesson (August 25th.)

(1) We will be working on our first synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for all of the asynchronous evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) There will not be a video-watching activity this time since we will focus on explaining our blog sessions' work in detail.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 4

René Larenas M. 19 Ago 202219/08/22 a las 10:09 hrs.2022-08-19 10:09:19
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (August 18th.) 

(1) The PPT file for 'Lesson 1' can be found in the ‘Material Docente’ section

For our next lesson (August 23rd.)

(1) We will be working on our first synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for all of the asynchronous evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles),  'Behind the scenes: Set Design Model Box'

(2.1) Once you have watched it, Please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) Is there any design technique or other particular element that calls your attention? Please explain and tell us why

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for next lesson 7

René Larenas M. 17 Ago 202217/08/22 a las 11:51 hrs.2022-08-17 11:51:17
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (August 16th.) 

(1) The PPT file for 'Introductory Lesson' can be found in the ‘Material Docente’ section

For our next lesson (August 18th.)

(1) We will be working on our first synchronous lesson that will be divided into two parts as we already know, (a) Linguistic (some grammatical structures in communicational contexts for the most part and autonomous work for all of the asynchronous evaluations) and (b) Communicative (video debates) 

(1.1) For the second part of this next lesson, please, watch the following video (it contains English Subtitles),  'How to get ready for university', 

(2.1) Once you have watched it, please think about the following questions:

(2.1.1) In what way is this video presenting anything different or similar from your student life? How did you deal with University when you were first-year students?

(2.1.2) With the information provided by the video, comment on one point that you think is relevant. Provide two reasons for this relevance.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Tuesdays and Thursdays Classrooms 8

René Larenas M. 16 Ago 202216/08/22 a las 13:23 hrs.2022-08-16 13:23:16
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

Now I have the definitive information concerning our classrooms,

Tuesdays, Sala 3 Subterráneo
Thursdays, Sala Multimedia

Sede Las Encinas

Best Regards