(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Final Written/Oral Tests format explanation is alread 8

René Larenas M. 29 Nov 202229/11/22 a las 19:44 hrs.2022-11-29 19:44:29
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

(1) The online meeting for today has already been uploaded. If you want to get acquainted with the Oral/Written Tests formats, please take a look.

(2) Do not forget that,

(2.1) The Final Written Test will take place next Dec. 6th.
(2.1) The Final Oral Test will take place next Dec. 13th.

Best Regards

[Extra Announcement] Nov. 17th. lesson will be done asynchronically 3

René Larenas M. 16 Nov 202216/11/22 a las 21:07 hrs.2022-11-16 21:07:16
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

Next Thursday's lesson will be of an 'asynchronous' character [meaning that you will not have to connect] as we have already discussed the previous week.

So, as you know an asynchronous lesson means that:

(1) The lesson will be recorded for you to have an archive to look at. This video link will be attached to the 'Novedades' section, in other words, the audio-visual lesson archive will be saved on ‘u-cursos’

Any questions you may have, either in English or Spanish, please feel free to write back.

Have a nice day
Best Regards


[Extra Announcement] English 4 Tutorships 4

René Larenas M. 9 Nov 202209/11/22 a las 21:43 hrs.2022-11-09 21:43:09
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

On behalf of the English Program, and also, as we have talked through our last session, I leave you a link for you to enrol in these tutorships that are destined to help you in case you need them to practice your English or if you feel the need to prepare better the Final Oral or Written Exams [SUFI Exams or 'Examenes de Suficiencia] These tutorships will be done synchronically/online

The link as follows, https://forms.gle/6WYwaTNwYJJgo9r6A

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) October 18th Lesson will be synchronous 8

René Larenas M. 17 Oct 202217/10/22 a las 08:45 hrs.2022-10-17 08:45:17
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

At the Faculty's request, our lesson for next Oct 18th will take place online

Any questions of commentaries, please write back
Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Next Thursday Sala Multimedia will be changed for Eng 6

René Larenas M. 27 Sep 202227/09/22 a las 22:06 hrs.2022-09-27 22:06:27
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

From next Thursday, until the rest of this semester, we will have some changes in our classroom, we will be transferred from 'Sala Multimedia' [the one with Mac Computers] to the English Laboratory.

What I'm about to do is to ask one final time for this 'Sala Multimedia' to have our lesson, with the purpose of making sure nobody gets lost on the way [since some of you do not belong to 'Las Encinas'] and to explain in the best way possible [photos included] how to get to our new classroom

If I can't get 'Sala Multimedia' for us this Thursday, we will be having our lessons at English Lab instead

Thanks for reading
Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Lesson for today will be performed synchronously [onl 4

René Larenas M. 1 Sep 202201/09/22 a las 13:31 hrs.2022-09-01 13:31:01
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

As we already know, and at the English Program Coordination request, we will be having our lesson [6:30 pm] in an online format. So, as you know an online [synchronous] lesson means that:

(2.1) 15 minutes before the synchronous (online) lesson starts, please log to ‘u-cursos’ ('Clase Virtual' section) and connect to the lesson from there

(3) Once the lesson is finished, I will be sending you 2 items,

(3.1) The teaching material (PPT file and an audio file), if required, and

(3.2) The lesson will be recorded for you to have an archive to look at. This video link will be attached to the 'Clase Virtual' section, in other words, the audio-visual lesson archive will be saved on ‘u-cursos’

Any questions you may have, either in English or Spanish, please feel free to write back.

Best Regards

(S.8) English 4 (CEFR: B1) Tuesdays and Thursdays Classrooms 8

René Larenas M. 16 Ago 202216/08/22 a las 13:23 hrs.2022-08-16 13:23:16
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

Now I have the definitive information concerning our classrooms,

Tuesdays, Sala 3 Subterráneo
Thursdays, Sala Multimedia

Sede Las Encinas

Best Regards