Paul Graham: The Lesson to Unlearn

Andres Matte V. 27 Abr 202027/04/20 a las 10:31 hrs.2020-04-27 10:31:27

Les dejo un muy buen ensayo de Paul Graham que habla sobre lo perjudicial que ha sido para nosotros aprender a sacarnos "buenas notas".

"There are certainly big chunks of the world where the way to win is to hack the test. This phenomenon isn't limited to schools. And some people, either due to ideology or ignorance, claim that this is true of startups too. But it isn't. In fact, one of the most striking things about startups is the degree to which you win by simply doing good work. There are edge cases, as there are in anything, but in general you win by getting users, and what users care about is whether the product does what they want."

The Lesson to Unlearn
Última Modificación 27 Abr 202027/04/20 a las 10:31 hrs.2020-04-27 10:31:27
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