Class 4 6

Debora Vilches V. 2 AprApril 2 at 19:412024-04-02 19:41:02

`How to write an elevator speech` handout.

Following the examples provided, students wrote a 2 minute elevator speech describing their best qualities to get their dream job.

Class 3 5

Debora Vilches V. 2 AprApril 2 at 19:382024-04-02 19:38:02

Class canceled due to suspension of activities

Class 1 11

Debora Vilches V. 26 MarMarch 26 at 11:332024-03-26 11:33:26

Introductions and syllabus 

Introduction to the course, reading of the course syllabus and schedule, assessment of prior knowledge, and oral presentation and interaction activity.