
(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) 'Essay Writing Activity #2' (10%), 'Not 5

René Larenas M. 17 Dec 202217/12/22 at 11:542022-12-17 11:54:17

Dear Students,

(1) Your grades for the 'Essay #2' activity and 'Nota Final [Final Average]' are already uploaded. Please take a look at them.

Any questions or comments you may have, please write back

As always, it's been a pleasure working with you
Thank you very much

(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) 'Final Written test' (20%) marks 6

René Larenas M. 16 Dec 202216/12/22 at 18:412022-12-16 18:41:16

Dear Students,

Your grades for the 'Final Written test' activity are already uploaded. Please take a look at them.

Any questions or comments you may have, please write back

Best Regards

(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) 'Final Oral test' (20%) marks 8

René Larenas M. 15 Dec 202215/12/22 at 18:582022-12-15 18:58:15

Dear Students,

Your grades for the 'Final Oral test' activity are already uploaded. Please take a look at them.

Any questions or comments you may have, please write back

Best Regards

(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) 'Essay Writing Activity #1' (10%) marks 9

René Larenas M. 13 Dec 202213/12/22 at 21:302022-12-13 21:30:13

Dear Students,

Your grades for the 'Essay Writing #1' activity are already uploaded. Please take a look at them.

Any questions or comments you may have, please write back

Best Regards


(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) 'Wiki Article' (20%) marks 9

René Larenas M. 10 Dec 202210/12/22 at 14:542022-12-10 14:54:10

Dear Students,

Your grades for the 'Wiki Article' activity are already uploaded. Please take a look at them.

Any questions or comments you may have, please write back

Best Regards

(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) Final Written/Oral Tests format expla 13

René Larenas M. 1 Dec 202201/12/22 at 12:032022-12-01 12:03:01
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

(1) The asynchronous capsule for today has already been uploaded. If you want to get acquainted with the Oral/Written Tests formats, please take a look. The link is as follows,

(2) Do not forget that,

(2.1) The Final Written Test will take place next Dec. 12th.
(2.1) The Final Oral Test will take place next Dec. 15th.

Best Regards

(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) What is left for this semester 10

René Larenas M. 28 Nov 202228/11/22 at 14:522022-11-28 14:52:28
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Nov. 28th.)

(1) We have already dealt with our only session working with Essays #1 and #2, Proofreading and Editing.

For the rest of this semester,

(1)So, on Dec. 1st we will review what is coming for both Final Tests. This session will be done asynchronically, which means that you [1] won't have to come to the faculty and [2] a video capsule will be recorded and shared through 'Novedades' 

(1.1) On Dec. 5th we will have no lessons

(2) Please remember, that you may upload your Elevator Speech video [.mp4 format, ideally] by sending a message through u-cursos. You will get a top mark of 5.0 if you do it before the end of the semester.

(3) Please remember, that you may upload your Biodata by sending a message through u-cursosYou will get a top mark of 5.0 if you do it before the end of the semester.

(4) Please remember, that you may upload your Wiki Article by sending a message through u-cursos. You will get a top mark of 5.0 if you do it before the end of the semester.

(5) Essay #1 should be delivered before Dec. 12th. Essay #2 should be delivered before Dec. 16th.

(6) Our successive Final Written and Oral exams dates have been changed [or moved up] to,

Final Written, Dec. 12th.
Final Oral, Dec. 15th.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for 8

René Larenas M. 24 Nov 202224/11/22 at 09:172022-11-24 09:17:24
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Nov. 24th.)

(1) We have already dealt with our only session working with Essay #2. The documents have already been uploaded to the 'Material Docente' section, under the name 'Writing Essays #1 and #2".

(1.1) There is already a 'tareas' section where you can upload your Wiki Article. You've got until this next Nov. 25th to deliver it.

(2) Please remember, that you may upload your Elevator Speech video [.mp4 format, ideally] in the ‘Tareas’ Section. You will get a top mark of 5.0 if you do it before the end of the semester.

(3) Please remember, that you may upload your Biodata in the ‘Tareas’ Section. You will get a top mark of 5.0 if you do it before the end of the semester.

For our next lesson (Nov. 28th.)

(1) We will work on our 2 Essays final Proofreading and Editing. This marks our final lesson

So, on Dec. 1st we will review what is coming for both Final Tests, so please be there

(3) Our successive Final Written and Oral exams dates have been changed [or moved up] to,

Final Written, Dec. 12th.
Final Oral, Dec. 15th.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards



(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) Some Recommendations and Guidelines for 8

René Larenas M. 21 Nov 202221/11/22 at 18:142022-11-21 18:14:21
Information for next lesson

Dear Students, 

For our lesson for today (Nov. 21st.)

(1) We have already dealt with our only session working with 'Essay Writing #2: Concluding Paragraph. The documents have already been uploaded to the 'Material Docente' section, under the name 'Writing Essays #1 and #2".

(1.1) There is already a 'tareas' section where you can upload your Wiki Article. You've got until this next Nov. 25th to deliver it.

(2) Please remember, that you may upload your Elevator Speech video [.mp4 format, ideally] in the ‘Tareas’ Section. You will get a top mark of 5.0 if you do it before the end of the semester.

(3) Please remember, that you may upload your Biodata in the ‘Tareas’ Section. You will get a top mark of 5.0 if you do it before the end of the semester.

(4) Our successive Final Written and Oral exams dates have been changed [or moved up] to,

Final Written, Dec. 12th.
Final Oral, Dec. 15th.

So, our final lessons will occur next Dec. 1st. [that week we will review what is coming for both Final Tests, so please be there]

For our next lesson (Nov. 24th.)

(1) We will conclude our Essay #2

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards

(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) Our Final Written and Oral Tests dates 9

René Larenas M. 20 Nov 202220/11/22 at 17:412022-11-20 17:41:20
Special Announcement

Dear Students,

Our successive Final Written and Oral exams dates will be changed [or moved up] to,

Final Written, Dec. 12th.
Final Oral, Dec. 15th.

So, our final lessons will be next on Dec. 1st. [that week we will review what is coming for both Final Tests, so please be there]

Best Regards