(S.3) English Intermediate A (CEFR: B1+) Our Final Written and Oral Tests dates

René Larenas M. 20 Nov 202220/11/22 a las 17:41 hrs.2022-11-20 17:41:20

Dear Students,

Our successive Final Written and Oral exams dates will be changed [or moved up] to,

Final Written, Dec. 12th.
Final Oral, Dec. 15th.

So, our final lessons will be next on Dec. 1st. [that week we will review what is coming for both Final Tests, so please be there]

Best Regards
Categoría Special Announcement
Última Modificación 21 Nov 202221/11/22 a las 18:15 hrs.2022-11-21 18:15:21
Vistas Únicas 9