Final Test Feedback 44

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 30 Dec 202230/12/22 at 09:192022-12-30 09:19:30

Dear students,

 I hope everybody is doing well. This is my general feedback for the final test.    Reading Part:  Again, this was the best section in terms of results. You obtained more than 95% of correct answers here, congratulations!! Nevertheless, I suggest that you continue reading texts in English, especially related to sciences and from authentic sources.  By doing this, you can incorporate more vocabulary and more complex structures.   Listening Part: In this section you obtained about 75% of correct answers. This result was a little better than the ones you got in the previous quizzes. This shows that the practice is important to understand more and more when you listen to people talking in English. Don't stop practising. Try to watch Netflix or Youtube  in English ( with English subtitles). Listen to music in English with subtitles as well.   Writing Part: We had not had this type of activity before in a formal quiz or evaluation. You had written on your blogs only.  As a conclusion, I realized that many of you can write a text in English and express your ideas in a good way. But some of you still need to work and improve in order to reach this objective.  The average percentage of achievement in this section was almost  70% in the final test.   I hope this can be useful for you. Cheers 🙂 Ernesto

Final test mark available 47

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 29 Dec 202229/12/22 at 12:562022-12-29 12:56:29

Dear All,

The final test mark and final mark are already available here at NOTAS/EVALUACIONES.

I want to wish you ALL the best possible results in the rest of your subjects and a great 2023!!

Ernesto Sanhueza

Blog marks + more info 49

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 20 Dec 202220/12/22 at 17:222022-12-20 17:22:20

Dear All,

I just published your blog marks. Some of you have not done post 4. I will give you some more time until tomorrow 11 am, so you can finish post 4 and get a better mark.

For thursday's final test, I suggest to carry a pencil and rubber to do the writing section of the test. (lapiz mina y goma de borrar)


Sobre clase de hoy y test final 22 diciembre 49

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 15 Dec 202215/12/22 at 11:122022-12-15 11:12:15

Dear students,

Today I can't teach the class from home due to logistic reasons. Later, I will upload a video with the main contents of today's class (English Language Challenges)
On december 22, FROM 11:45 TO 12:45, you will have the final test in the classroom we always use. (híbrida 2)
The final test is similar to the quizzes, with reading and listening activities, plus 1 or 2 writing activities similar to the blog activities. Please arrive on time at the test! (11:45)


Details for blog post 4!! 48

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 13 Dec 202213/12/22 at 12:332022-12-13 12:33:13

Dear students,

I hope everybody is doing fine.
The details and instructions for the last blog post are already available at

Deadline to publish post: December 19, 9 pm
Deadline for comments: December 21, 9 pm

Cheers :)

Nota Quiz 2 subida! 51

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 30 Nov 202230/11/22 at 09:322022-11-30 09:32:30


Quiz 2 cancelled + Blog 3 47

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 16 Nov 202216/11/22 at 20:012022-11-16 20:01:16

Dear students,

I hope everybody is doing good.
Quiz 2 will be postponed for next thursday 24 (presencial).
Tomorrow we won't have classes but I will upload a video with the details
and instructions for blog post 3, which you have to write this week.

See you next week then :)

Deadline Blog post 2, My opinions 45

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 23 Oct 202223/10/22 at 16:342022-10-23 16:34:23

Deadline to publish blog post 2: Today 9pm
Deadline to make 4vcomments: Oct 26, 9 pm

Quiz 1 Tomorrow 12:30 hrs. 46

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 5 Oct 202205/10/22 at 19:052022-10-05 19:05:05

Dear All,

See you tomorrow.

Blog dates deadlines 34

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 22 Sep 202222/09/22 at 13:342022-09-22 13:34:22

1. To make and publish blog at the foro: september 23, 10 pm
2. To write and publish mini intro and blog post 1: sept 26,  10 pm
3. To make comments: sept 28, 10 pm