Important Information!!

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 14 Abr 202214/04/22 a las 14:23 hrs.2022-04-14 14:23:14

Dear students,

I hope you are all doing well.
As you all know, u cursos had some problems today and therefore, we could not have our class.
We will try to recuperate today's contents in the future..
Now, I'm also writing to remind you that next week you will have the first reading/listening evaluation via u tests.
For its preparation, I will upload some activities on material docente now. Please, do all of them.
Remember, next week the test will be online via u cursos (u test).
The test will be open from 11:15 to 13.00 hrs, next thursday.

That's all for now and take care!
Última Modificación 14 Abr 202214/04/22 a las 14:23 hrs.2022-04-14 14:23:14
Vistas Únicas 23