APM Characteristics of Academic Writing. 8

Carla Olivos V. 16 May16 de Mayo a las 13:53 hrs.2024-05-16 13:53:16

Hi there,
Just a quick and friendly reminder to do this week's APM :)

APM My patient's history. 10

Carla Olivos V. 11 Abr11 de Abril a las 12:51 hrs.2024-04-11 12:51:11

Dear all,

Just to clarify, the APM "my patient's history" is for you to write what you created in class (that ficticious patient and their context).

Cheers :)

Tablet/computer needed 12

Carla Olivos V. 4 Abr4 de Abril a las 14:05 hrs.2024-04-04 14:05:04

Dear all,

Hope you are doing fine today.

For the second class of our week, I will need you to please bring a computer o a tablet where you can create and edit a google form.


Carla Olivos.

Inicio clases 12

Carla Olivos V. 12 Mar12 de Marzo a las 10:52 hrs.2024-03-12 10:52:12

Estimadas/os estudiantes, Junto con saludar, les informamos que las clases del Programa de Inglés se iniciarán la semana del 1 de abril, en los respectivos horarios. Saludos cordiales,  Programa de Inglés