4th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management

Myriam Valenzuela Munita 24 Ene 201124/01/11 a las 12:36 hrs.2011-01-24 12:36:24


We inform you that the deadline for abstracts submission to the 4th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (www.ciiem.net) has been extended until FEBRUARY 28th 2011.
We would also like to remind you that the normative for the preparation of abstracts is available at www.ciiem.net/html_eg/1_norma_Comu.php

Isabel Margarita Amor
Coordinadora de RR.II.

Última Modificación 24 Ene 201124/01/11 a las 12:36 hrs.2011-01-24 12:36:24
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