Oral Task Presentations 15

Nicolás Flores V. 25 May 202325/05/23 a las 19:46 hrs.2023-05-25 19:46:25
Important Information

Dear Students,

I hope you are doing well and that tomorrow you have a great time on your student activities. 

I'm just letting you know that I uploaded the Oral Task rubric and instructions to Material Docente. Please, check them out. Also, remember to send me your slides with the cultugram and images on Wednesday so I have them ready for Thursday. 

If you have any questions, just send me an email. It can be either in English o in Spanish. I'll be happy to help you anyway. 

Best regards,
Nicolás Flores

Resources for Practicing Writing 8

Nicolás Flores V. 21 Abr 202321/04/23 a las 09:29 hrs.2023-04-21 09:29:21
Important Information

Dear students,

I uploaded some resources to practice writing to Enlaces and Material Docente for you to check. We will finish the  Language Policy Unit on Tuesday and we will also practice for the test. 

Remember that for this test I will be asking your opinion on a topic we've seen in class. So, think about our discussions on immigration, basic needs, fulfilling life and language, and the vocabulary relate to these issues. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me an email.

Best regards,
Nicolás Flores

Article for Tomorrow's class 11

Nicolás Flores V. 12 Abr 202312/04/23 a las 08:12 hrs.2023-04-12 08:12:12
Important Information

Dear students,

I hope you are all having a great week. I'm just writing to tell you that I uploaded an article to Material Docente so you can read it for tomorrow's class. Just make sure to highlight the words you don't understand and look for their meaning. In the second page of the reading you can find a short glossary. 

Looking forward to seeing you tomorro!

Best regards,
Nicolás Flores

Quiz 1 19

Nicolás Flores V. 30 Mar 202330/03/23 a las 18:53 hrs.2023-03-30 18:53:30
Important Information

Estimad@s estudiantes:

Solo les escribo para comentarles que el Quiz será el 11 de Abril. 

Cualquier duda o consulta me escriben.

Saludos cordiales,
Nicolás Flores

New classroom 15

Nicolás Flores V. 29 Mar 202329/03/23 a las 18:56 hrs.2023-03-29 18:56:29
Important Information

Dear students:

I hope you are all having a great week. I'm just writing you to remind you that our new classroom will be 4.6 for the rest of the semester. In addition, I uploaded a video about how to write a sentence in English. Please, check it.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me.

Best regards,
Nicolás Flores