Información Importante 24

Gloria Troncoso 18 Jun 202118/06/21 at 17:032021-06-18 17:03:18

Estimados estudientes:

Junto con saludar y deseando que estén todos ustedes muy bien, les comento que el motivo de este email es para informarles los cambios recientemente introducidos en el calendario académico 2021, específicamente, en el desarrollo del primer semestre.

Cabe destacar en este sentido, que a través del Decreto Universitario N°0011921, se decidió la suspensión excepcional de actividades universitarias en la semana del 19 al 23 de julio, lo cual implica que a partir de esta modificación, se ha definido que el Programa de Inglés recalendizará sus actividades, desplazando el cierre del primer semestre por una semana. Esto implica lo siguiente:

  • No tendremos clases la semana del 19 al 23 de julio.
  • Como la última semana de clases será la semana del 26 al 30 de julio, las evaluaciones finales serán tomadas en esa semana.
Saludos cordiales,

Oral presentations due date 24

Gloria Troncoso 28 May 202128/05/21 at 12:462021-05-28 12:46:28

Hello everyone! I'm writing to inform you that you'll have two more days to send your Oral presentation videos 'till Suday 30th May. This way you can low somehow the homework overload for this week. You can send it to me from today if you feel happy with the result of your video though. You can also send it to my email or send me a link to download your video, in case you have it uploaded to your Google Drive/Outlook accounts. Kind regards, Gloria

Blog Post 4 24

Gloria Troncoso 19 May 202119/05/21 at 14:082021-05-19 14:08:19

Dear students,
Hope you're going well. 
I'm writing to inform you that I've already published Blog post 4 on my blogger account. The due date for this blog is Sunday 23rd May.
This time you'll have to write about a meal or food you really like....Mine is Pizza!! :P
Don't forget to comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.
Word Count: 140 word

Today's class 24

Gloria Troncoso 14 May 202114/05/21 at 09:402021-05-14 09:40:14

Dear students, 
Hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to let you know that we won't be able to have today's class. I've been called to a doctor's meeting in Concepción, which is of great importance to understand what my breast cancer medical situation is going to be from now on.
Regarding this week's blog post, you won't have to wait until 3.30 pm to read the instructions since I've already posted them (you can access directly from the link uploaded to "enlacen" on U-cursos). This time you must write about your favourite piece of technology in no less than 140 words. As usual, you have to leave a comment on three of your classmates' posts and one on mine too. The due date for completing this writing task is Sunday 3.30 pm. 
See you next week and have a good weekend!
Kind regards,

CA1 Listening quiz 1 22

Gloria Troncoso 11 May 202111/05/21 at 13:282021-05-11 13:28:11

Dear students,
Hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to remind you that CA1 Listening quiz 1 will take place Today, in the last 15 minutes of classes.
Remember that this activity is evaluated so, don't miss it because overdues will not be accepted.
See you at 2.30 pm!

Blog Post 2 24

Gloria Troncoso 30 Apr 202130/04/21 at 15:252021-04-30 15:25:30

Dear students,
In our Google Drive folder you'll find an explanatory video about Blog post 2.
This time you'll have to write no less than a 130 words and leave a comment on three of your classmates' posts + one on mine too. The due date for finishing this post is Sunday 2nd May.
Next week we're not having classes because of the recess week. 
So see you on Tuesday 11th May!
Kind regards,

Today's class 21

Gloria Troncoso 30 Apr 202130/04/21 at 14:442021-04-30 14:44:30

Dear Students,
I have been instructed that there aren't any classes today as both students and teacher have adhere to the strike.
So I'll upload an explanatory video of what to do for Blog 2 which you'll find in our Google Drive folder.

Friday's class: BLOG POST 1 23

Gloria Troncoso 21 Apr 202121/04/21 at 13:102021-04-21 13:10:21

Dear students,
Hope this message finds you well.
I'm writing to let you know that  on Friday's class, you'll learn how to write your first assessed blog post. So try not to miss it.

Google Drive Folder 22

Gloria Troncoso 16 Apr 202116/04/21 at 15:512021-04-16 15:51:16

Hello everybody!
Hope you're doing fine!
This is just to remind you that this course has a Google Drive folder, where you can find all of our recorded Zoom classes, as well as some extra material such as PPTs, PDFs, etc.
The first time you click on the link, which is available in "Enlances" you'll need my permission to access. Once I give permission, you'll enter the folder as many times as you want.
Kind regards,

Can watching Netflix be productive? 25

Gloria Troncoso 11 Apr 202111/04/21 at 22:122021-04-11 22:12:11

We have all been there.

“Hey, have you watched The Walking Dead series?”
“No …”
“You need to watch it!”

Then, 1 week later, you haven’t had any human contact, you have watched all 7 seasons and your room is starting to smell a bit odd. 

The wonderful thing about Netflix is that you can change the language of practically every series or film you are watching. You can even change the language of the subtitles! A few months ago, I started watching my all-time favourite series, Friends, on Netflix in preparation for my year abroad in France. I am now currently working as a language assistant in the Poitou-Charentes region. The idioms and fast-paced phrases I picked up from Friends have honestly been a huge help. Also, I have noticed that students who watch their favourite Netflix series in English have a higher level of spoken English.

Why you should watch your favourite series in the language you are learning:

-          You get used to the sounds and different rhythms of the language.
-          You can pick up colloquial phrases and words that are repeated.
-          If you have already seen the episode or film, you already have an idea of the storyline. This will help you to learn new, specific vocabulary.
-          If you are already spending an evening watching TV, why not watch it in the language you are learning?

Tips for fellow Netflix lovers:

-          Relax! You don’t need to understand every single word. We work with context: use what is happening in the episode to work out what the word meant. I recommend letting the episode/film flow as it is likely the word will be repeated.
-          Find a film that you love. Then re-watch it in English (or the language you’re learning) and turn off the subtitles! This will help you concentrate on the pronunciation of words.
-          Watch something you enjoy, otherwise it will feel like homework. Remember that it will get easier the more you hear the language!

Now that both you and I are feeling a lot less guilty about our binge-watching weekends, I’m off to catch up on Orange Is the New Black …

Have you tried to watch a film in another language before?
Did you find your language skills improved?