Week 8 Class Summary 9

Jordan Masias O. 9 May9 de Mayo a las 13:37 hrs.2024-05-09 13:37:09
Class Ssummaries

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! I wanted to give you a quick rundown of what we covered in our last class and what's coming up next.

In our recent session, we went over the feedback from our latest evaluations and conducted a corrrection of our writing tests. After that, we kicked off Unit 4, where we explored the topic of making plans and how it relates to future tenses. You can find all the material you need for this unit on U-Cursos.

We also discussed the upcoming presentations, and all the details are posted in the "Material Docente" section on the platform. The presentation dates are available in the "Calendario" section on U-Cursos, so make sure to review them.

One more thing! For our next class, it would be great if each of you could bring a portion of your presentation already prepared. We'll provide feedback and you'll have a chance to practice before the actual presentation.

If you have any questions or need clarification on anything, feel free to reach out.

Looking forward to our next session!

Best regards,

Professor Masías .

Week 4, Class Summary 7

Jordan Masias O. 16 Abr16 de Abril a las 20:16 hrs.2024-04-16 20:16:16
Class Ssummaries

Dear students,

I hope you're all doing well. Let's quickly go over what we did in our last classes and the main things we covered.

Last week, we worked on different online tasks together, focusing on making our writing flow better. We looked at things like joining sentences, moving between ideas smoothly, and using words to connect our thoughts. You can find all the online ressources we used for this in the "Enlaces" part on U-Cursos.


We also talked about how we put words in the right order when we write sentences. This ties into our ongoing homework on the basic skills we need for writing effectively.

I also set some extra practice Homework for you to do at home, which you can find on the website. And I've put up some extra info and answers to questions people have asked in the "Novedades" section, so be sure to check that out too.

If you have any questions or need more help, just let me know. Keep up the good work!

Best regards,

Professor Masías O.

Week 3, class Summary 15

Jordan Masias O. 5 Abr5 de Abril a las 18:42 hrs.2024-04-05 18:42:05
Class Ssummaries

Dear students,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to quickly recap what we covered in our classes this past week.

We started by going over vocabulary related to expressing opinions. Then, we revisited the concept of comparisons in different contexts. We also worked on various exercises together to practice these skills.

In addition, we began to dive deeper into writing skills. We briefly reviewed important aspects like capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphing. We practiced these through online exercises.

All the materials we used are available in the "Material Docente" folder under "Week 3".

You can also find the online activities in the "Links" section of the U-cursos platform.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

Prof. Masías O.

Week 1 - Class Summary 16

Jordan Masias O. 21 Mar21 de Marzo a las 14:31 hrs.2024-03-21 14:31:21
Class Ssummaries

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. Since our English Course started this week, I just wanted to give you a brief recap of what we've covered.

In the first session, we talked about what we'll be doing in the course and what's expected of you.We gave out the course goals and plans for the semester.

In our second sesssion, we did some interactive activities to get to know each other better.    We talked about learning languages and filled out some questionnaires to see what areas we need to focus on.

You can find the materials for the first class on the U-Cursos website under "Course Materials." The links for the questionnaires are in the "Links" section. It's really important that you complete the questionnaire by Friday, 10:00 am so I can plan our lessons based on your feedback.

Also, I've posted a homework for you in the "Tareas" section on U-Cursos. We'll go over it together in our next class.

If you have any questions, just let me know. Let's make this semester a great one!

Best regards,

Prof. Jordán Masías O.