Environmental Chemistry Letters

26 Mar 202326/03/23 a las 21:50 hrs.2023-03-26 21:50:26 por Juan Pablo Fuentes E.

Descripción Environmental Chemistry Letters covers the interfaces of geology, chemistry, physics and biology. Articles published here are of high importance to the study of natural and engineered environments.

The journal publishes original and review articles of outstanding significance on such topics as the characterization of natural and affected environments; behavior, prevention, treatment and control of mineral, organic and radioactive pollutants; interfacial studies involving media such as soil, sediment, water, air, organism, and food; green chemistry, environmentally friendly synthetic pathways, and alternative fuels; ecotoxicology and risk assessment; environmental processes and modelling; environmental technologies, remediation and control; environmental analytical chemistry, biomolecular tools and tracers.

Related subjects » Analytical Chemistry - Earth Sciences & Geography - Environmental Chemistry - Environmental Toxicology - Pollution and Remediation
Reports research letters and reviews on the chemistry of pollution, climate, energy and green processes for a sustainable future

Publishes novel concepts, methods, technologies and findings by bridging knowledge from biology, geology, chemistry and environmental sciences

Investigates the pollution and remediation of water, air, soil, sediments, life and ecosystems

Acceso a través de la Universidad de Chile

Categoría Revistas Científicas de interés
URL https://www-springer-com.uchile.idm.oclc.org/journal/10311
Última Modificación 26 Mar 202326/03/23 a las 21:51 hrs.2023-03-26 21:51:26