[IMPORTANT] OP registration deadline, today at 11:59 pm

Natalia Tranchino M. 25 Sep 202225/09/22 a las 21:04 hrs.2022-09-25 21:04:25

Dear All

I hope all is well with you. This is to inform you that your group registration for the Oral Project ends today at 11:59 pm. If by that time you have not signed up with your partner, I will be assigning partners arbitrarily and such allocations will not be changed.

The OP protocol will be posted tomorrow at 8:30 am. For this reason, all groups must be formed and registered.

Best regards,

Mx Tranchino

Última Modificación 25 Sep 202225/09/22 a las 21:04 hrs.2022-09-25 21:04:25
Vistas Únicas 24