Design Studies

8 Ago 200708/08/07 a las 10:43 hrs.2007-08-08 10:43:08 por Pedro Soza

Descripción Design Studies is the only journal to approach the understanding of design from comparisons across all domains of application, including engineering and product design, architectural design and planning, computer artefacts and systems design. It therefore provides a unique forum for the development and discussion of fundamental aspects of design activity and experience, from cognition and methodology to values and philosophy.

Link bases de datos uchile ... nce/journal/0142694X
Autor Elsevier Ltd.
Año Publicación 2007
Editorial Elsevier Ltd.
Visibilidad Todo Internet
Última Modificación 8 Ago 200708/08/07 a las 10:43 hrs.2007-08-08 10:43:08