
Summary of Last Class and Upcoming Sessions 7

Jordan Masias O. 3 JunMonday 3, June at 11:452024-06-03 11:45:03
Class Summaries

Dear Students,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing to provide a summary of our recent session and inform you of upcoming arrangements. First, please remember that Week 10 coincided with a holiday, so the class was suspended.

In the session on 27-05, we began with a review of the contents covered so far. We also provided detailed and personalized feedback on the Mini Report assessed activity. Additionally, we addressed any questions regarding the presentations and discussed the implications of the ongoing strike.

In the second part of the class, we engaged in a group discussion about the potential presentation of the talks. The attending students collectively decided that they were ready to proceed with the activity. We agreed that the two students who were absent will have the opportunity to present at a later date. We then allocated 30 minutes for students to finalize details and practice their presentations. The session concluded with the talks and personalized feedback.

Please note that we will coordinate with the two students who missed the session to re-schedule their presentations.

Regarding this week's class (suspended due to the sit-in), we are awaiting further information and instructions from the General Coordination of the English Program and the Faculty. Any updates will be communicated as soon as possible, so please stay tuned for any updates.


Best regards,


Prof. Masías O.

Suspensión de Clases de Inglés en FACSO por Situación en el Campus JGM 7

Jordan Masias O. 3 JunMonday 3, June at 09:192024-06-03 09:19:03
Important Information

Estimadas y estimados estudiantes,

Les informo que las clases programadas para el día de hoy están suspendidas debido a una situación de toma, que se conoció recién esta mañana en el campus Juan Gómez Millas (JGM).

Les estaré informando oportunamente en cuanto surjan novedades al respecto. Por favor, les solicito encarecidamente que permanezcan atentas y atentos a las comunicaciones que se les enviarán por este medio.

Agradezco su colaboración y atención y conjuntamente les solicito apoyo para difundir esta notificación 

Saludos cordiales, 

Profesor Masías Ortiz.

Important Update from the English Program Coordination 1

Jordan Masias O. 27 MayMay 27 at 11:112024-05-27 11:11:27
Important Information

Dear Students,


I hope this message finds you well.


I wanted to share an important update from the General Coordination of the English Program that was communicated last Friday:

" There is no suspension of academic activities by the Faculty. Therefore, academic staff and students are required to attend their classes at the assigned times and rooms and conduct the classes with those who attend.

- If no students attend, professors must upload the class material and any additional necessary resources to the "Material Docente" section on U-Cursos. They should also post instructions on how to work with this material in the "Novedades" section. Please note that the semester plan will not be extended, and missed classes cannot be rescheduled.

- Attendance must be recorded in U-Cursos for each class.
- Absences will be marked as "justified absences."

- Any evaluations scheduled for these dates must be rescheduled.

If there are any changes to these conditions on Monday, [it will be] promptly inform you."


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the situation, do not hesitate to write to me.


Best regards,

Professor Masías O.

Suspensión de Clases Lunes 20-05 8

Jordan Masias O. 15 MayMay 15 at 17:002024-05-15 17:00:15
Important Information

Dear all,

Comunico que la Dirección de la Escuela de Pregrado de FACSO, ha enviado lo siguiente:

"Se comunica que, debido al cierre del campus, el día 20 de mayo de 2024 se suspenden
las actividades docentes."

Saludos y quedo atento.

Prof. Masías O.

Week 8 Class Summary 8

Jordan Masias O. 9 MayMay 9 at 13:522024-05-09 13:52:09
Class Ssummaries

Dear Students,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to provide a brief recap of our last class and also remind you of an upcoming evaluation activity.

During our last class, we began with a review of course content through dynamic online activities integrating reading and listening. These activities focused on everyday phrases, including audio components, to reinforce comprehension skills.

Following the review, we engaged in a speaking activity in pairs, making use a virtual board game and dice to practice word order and collaborative speaking skills. It was an interactive session that allowed for practical application of language concepts.

In the second part of the class, we started with Unit 4 titled "Food and Health." We started by revisiting vocabulary related to meals and then progressed to studying phrases and structures associated with dining situations. The activities included the use of pictionaries and collaborative reading and speaking exercises to reinforce learning.

Finally, we concluded the class by exploring question formation, which will be crucial for the upcoming evaluated activity titled "Mini Report." This activity, scheduled for next Monday, carries a weight of 10% towards your final course grade. Please remember that attendance is mandatory as participation in class discussion also contributes to the overall assessment of this activity.

Thank you for your attention to these matters, and I look forward to seeing you in our next class.

Best regards,

Professor Masías.

Recap Week 5's classes and Material for Next Session 7

Jordan Masias O. 19 AprApril 19 at 17:212024-04-19 17:21:19
Class Summaries

Dear English 2 Students,


I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to recap our latest class and provide you with some information for our upcoming session.


During our last class, we dedicated the first part to providing personalized feedback based on the results of the first writing test conducted last week. I appreciate your efforts, and I hope the feedback proves helpful for your future assignments.


Afterward, we concentrated on performing a detailed review of conjugation mechanics in the past tense of both regular and irregular verbs. We practiced with various exercises, including brief pronunciation drills for regular verbs. You can find the materials related to this topic on the platform under "Material Docente" and "Enlaces."


Additionally, I have made available the material for our next class. Please make sure to review it before our session to make the most of our time together.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead!


Best regards,


Professor Jordán Masías O.

Recap of Week 3 Lessons and Homework Assignment 7

Jordan Masias O. 5 AprApril 5 at 18:542024-04-05 18:54:05
Class Ssummaries

Dear Students,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to quickly summarize what we learned in class this past week and remind you about the homework.

We started by talking about language studies and how to improve our pronunciation and understanding of sounds. Then, we discussed the language function related to making plans for the future and how to organize disscourse in future forms. We looked at different examples online to help us understand these ideas better.

We also talked about writing emails, focusing on how to communicate effectively using Anglo-Saxon communication styles. You can find all the materials we discussed on U-Cursos, in both the links and course materials sections.

Don't forget, there's a homework assignment for you to complete on the platform. Please make sure to finish it by the deadline.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to reach out to me. I'm here to support you.

Thanks for your attention, and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress next week.

Don't Forget Next Monday's E-Mail Asssignment to be carried out in Class.

Best regards,

Prof. Masías O.

Week 1 - Class Summary 10

Jordan Masias O. 21 MarMarch 21 at 14:152024-03-21 14:15:21
Class Ssummaries

Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. Since our English Course started this week, I just wanted to give you a brief recap of what we've covered.

In the first session, we talked about what we'll be doing in the course and what's expected of you.We gave out the course goals and plans for the semester.

In our second sesssion, we did some interactive activities to get to know each other better.    We talked about learning languages and filled out some questionnaires to see what areas we need to focus on.

You can find the materials for the first class on the U-Cursos website under "Material Docente." The links for the questionnaires are in the "Enlaces" section. It's really important that you complete the questionnaire by Friday, 10:00 am so I can plan our lessons based on your feedback.

Also, I've posted a homework for you in the "Tareas" section on U-Cursos. We'll go over it together in our next class.

If you have any questions, just let me know. Let's make this semester a great one!

Best regards,

Prof. Jordán Masías O.

Bienvenida al Curso y Detalles Importantes 13

Jordan Masias O. 15 MarMarch 15 at 14:162024-03-15 14:16:15
Important Information

Estimadas y estimados estudiantes,

Espero que este correo les encuentre bien y con ánimo para este inicio del nuevo semestre académico. Soy Jordán Masías, profesor de la Cátedra de Inglés de la Universidad Chile y seré su profesor del curso de Inglés Starter A por lo que estoy emocionado de tener la oportunidad de acompañarlos en este viaje educativo.

Con agrado les escribo para informarles que el curso comenzará formalmente el próximo lunes, 18 de marzo, a las 10:15 a.m., en la Sala 45 de FACSO. Es importante que lleguen puntualmente para comenzar a tiempo y aprovechar al máximo nuestro tiempo juntos.

Además, quisiera ponerles en conocimiento de que el programa del curso, así como el cronograma de evaluaciones y los contenidos/actividades clase a clase, ya están publicados en la plataforma de U-Cursos. Les insto a que revisen detenidamente esta información en la sección de Material Docente y Calendario para familiarizarse con el plan de estudio y estar al tanto de las fechas importantes.

Si tienen alguna pregunta o inquietud antes del inicio del curso, no duden en ponerse en contacto conmigo a través del correo electrónico. Estoy aquí para ayudar y apoyar su aprendizaje en todo momento.

Espero conocerles a todas y a todos en nuestra primera clase y compartir juntos este emocionante viaje educativo.

¡Nos vemos en clases!


Prof. Jordán Masías O.
Lingüista & Pedagogo,
English Program,
Universidad de Chile