Invitación: Data Science Summer School

Jan Dimter 15 Jun 202115/06/21 a las 15:08 hrs.2021-06-15 15:08:15


Esto me parece realmente buenísimo e imperdible. Desconozco, eso sí, si contará con traducción, posiblemente no.

"The Data Science Summer School is a series of theoretical and practical workshops on the exciting methods and technologies currently employed by industry, government, and civil society to address the world's most complex problems. Data Science Summer School will provide the following benefits for participants:

 Single day (4-hour) workshops covering theory and application;
 Instruction from professors, researchers, and industry experts;
 Networking opportunities with other Summer School participants;
 Certificate of Attendance, stating the workshops and the number of hours completed;
 And best of all, attendance is fully sponsored;
The Data Science Summer School is organized by the Hertie School Data Science Lab with the support of the SCRIPTS Cluster of Excellence and the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft."

  • Introduction to R Programming (July 9, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Text as Data: quantitative text analysis with R (July 13, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Modern Survey Methods: MrP and MrsP (July 14, 9-11AM and 11:15-13:15PM)
  • Data Visualization with R (July 15, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Introduction to Programming with Python (July 16, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Image as Data: quantitative image analysis with R and Python (July 19, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Data Access: Web Scraping with R (July 20, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Research Design and Causal Analysis with R (July 21, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Natural Language Processing: Text classification (July 22, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Natural Language Processing: Topic modeling (July 23, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Network Analysis (Social Network Analysis) (July 26, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Experimental Designs and Experimental Methodology (July 26, 15:30-17:30PM and 17.45-19.45PM)
  • Social-media based experiments (July 27, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Introduction to Machine Learning (July 28, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • Introduction to Deep Learning (July 29, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
  • GeoData and Spatial Data Analysis with R (July 30, 10-12AM and 12:15-14:15PM)
Categoría Invitaciones
Última Modificación 15 Jun 202115/06/21 a las 15:08 hrs.2021-06-15 15:08:15
Vistas Únicas 14