Final Exams 12

Claudia Marquez 28 Nov 202328/11/23 a las 15:14 hrs.2023-11-28 15:14:28

Dear Students, remember the dates for the Final Exams are:
Final Written Test (30%) ............ 01 de Diciembre / 08:30 - 10:00
Final Oral Interaction (20%) ...... 06 de Diciembre / 08:30 - 10:00

Semana de Pausa 12

Claudia Marquez 30 Oct 202330/10/23 a las 11:06 hrs.2023-10-30 11:06:30

Dear Students, las clases de inglés en su Semana de Pausa serán realizadas de manera remota, ingresando a U-cursos / Clase Virtual.

Best Regards

Información reorganización actividades 20 de octubre 2023 8

Claudia Marquez 19 Oct 202319/10/23 a las 19:25 hrs.2023-10-19 19:25:19

Dear Students, debido a la reorganización de actividades por paro estudiantil mañana Viernes 20 de Octubre 2023, nuestra clase de inglés se realizará de manera remota a través del módulo Clase Virtual de U-Cursos. 

Best Regards

Blog 11

Claudia Marquez 6 Oct 202306/10/23 a las 08:55 hrs.2023-10-06 08:55:06

Dear Students,
Through this message, I would like to remind you to complete your corresponding Post (and comments) for this week. 
If you have any questions, queries or difficulties, you can contact me.
Best Regards

Atention please 15

Gustavo Adolfo Castro 22 Ago 202322/08/23 a las 15:38 hrs.2023-08-22 15:38:22

Please be informed that, starting from next week, the schedule of this course will be modified to avoid a time conflict with another course from the same semester. Therefore, the new schedule will be as follows:

Wednesday 08:30 to 10:10 hrs and Friday 08:30 to 10:10 hrs.

We kindly request that you review your registration on UCampus, as making this change required adjustments to the section assignments of other courses. If someone wishes to enroll in Inglés IV with this new schedule, please go to the Secretaría de Estudios and start attending classes from this week.

Best regards.

Professor Gustavo.

Check your course schedule 22

Gustavo Adolfo Castro 17 Ago 202317/08/23 a las 10:40 hrs.2023-08-17 10:40:17
Academic information

Dear students,

I greet you and request that you carefully review the course schedule, as there was a mistake in UCampus. If you need to make a section change, I suggest you do so during the ongoing modification process.

Best regards


Welcome to English 4 Class 23

Gustavo Adolfo Castro 11 Ago 202311/08/23 a las 17:19 hrs.2023-08-11 17:19:11
Academic information

Dear students:

It is a pleasure to greet you. I´m Professor Gustavo Castro, Faculty's English Program Coordinator.

First of all, it is important to highligth that the inscription of this course is PRIORITY for students who are studying their fourth semester of career. For this reason those who do not comply with this requirement, will should modify their inscription throw UCAMPUS:


Through this message, I would like to remind your classes will beging next monday 14th. In this context, we want to wish you a lot of success and tell you that if you have any questions or queries, you should contact your teachers of each section directly.

We remind you that the English Program will have 1 week of academic break (11 - 15/09/2023)

and that the activities will end on 15/12/2023.

We remind you this important date, this way you can properly schedule your academic activities.

If you have any questions, queries or difficulties, you can write to us at:

Receive a warm greeting and wish you all of you a very successful academic semester.

In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me back, 

Best Regards