Contents Week 6 - 10 4

Claudia Marquez 28 MayMay 28 at 14:462024-05-28 14:46:28

Week 6

(Class 6.1)


- Objective: Talking about health problems

- Vocabulary: health, illnesses, parts of the body

- Grammar: present perfect

(Class 6.2)

- Objective: Giving advice to solve a problem

- Grammar: Modal Verbs (should, could, must)

-Vocabulary: Holidays activities

- Reading two emails ‘Holidays in Dorset’

- Skill: Writing -Answer back the email with an advice or suggestion to Jenny


Week 7

(Class 7.1)

Semana de pausa transversal U. de Chile

(Class 7.2)

Semana de pausa transversal U. de Chile


Week 8

(Class 8.1)


- Objective: Describing different dishes: It’s a kind of…

- Vocabulary: food.

- Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns

-Skill: Listening ‘Food Memories’

- Oral practice: food vocabulary

(Class 8.2)

- Objective: Talking about food preferences

- Vocabulary: food and Linking words

- Grammar: Prepositions (in - at)

- Writing practice ‘My favorite Meal’


Week 9

(Class 9.1)

- Objective: Ordering in a restaurant: I’ll have fish, please.

- Vocabulary: food and restaurants.

- Skill: Speaking Create a dialogue ‘Ordering in a restaurant’

(Class 9.2)

CA Task 2: Mini Report

- Objective: Students create a short questionnaire or survey and collect information from all their classmates. After analizing the data they have collected, each student elaborates a mini report, drawing conclusions based on the data and giving their personal opinion about it.


Week 10

(Class 10.1)

- General feedback on CA Task 2.

- Preparation for Oral Presentations: instructions and requirements.

- Basic tips for academic oral presentations.

- Grammar: Use of quantifiers: some vs any

- Skill: Reading ‘An opinion essay about fast food’

- Discussion: Is fast food popular in your country? Do you think it causes health problems or any other kinds of problems?

(Class 10.2)


-Objective: Plan cancellations

- Apologizing for missing things

- Grammar: can’t / couldn’t / had to / have to

- Vocabulary: (excuses, apologies) How can you apologise in English?

- Skill: Write an email apologising (choose 1 situation)

Contents Week 1 - 5 5

Claudia Marquez 27 MayMay 27 at 17:442024-05-27 17:44:27

Week 1

(Class 1.1)

- Course Introduction

- Expected learning outcomes, syllabus and calendar, attendance policy, assessment, U-Cursos, etc.

- Vocabulary: classroom

(Class 1.2)

- Review: verb to be, present and past tenses

- Grammar: question words (what, when, where, how old, who, why, how)

- Review Activities


Week 2

(Class 2.1)


- Objective: Giving, accepting and declining invitations

- Vocabulary: Use of ‘Let’s and practice: How to tell the time

-Grammar: Questions with Past Simple

Skill: Speaking ‘Arrange to meet’

(Class 2.2)

- Objective: Asking and answering questions in simple past using regular verbs

- Grammar: When was the last time you went to the movies?

- Pronunciation practice “-ed” endings in regular verbs

- Vocabulary: Time/ It takes… (daily routine activities)


Week 3

(Class 3.1)

- Objective: Asking and answering questions in simple past

- Grammar: Simple Past Pronunciation practice “-ed” endings in Regular Verbs

- Vocabulary: Time expressions in the past (ago, last week, etc.)

- Skill: Listening ‘What time?’ (4 conversations about time)

(Class 3.2)

-Objective: Giving, accepting and declining invitations

- Grammar: Simple Past (Irregular verbs) / Prepositions (in – on – at)

- Skill: Writing ‘An invitation to a party’


Week 4

(Class 4.1)

- Objective: Making plans for next weekend

- Grammar: Future Tense I will probably vs I’m going to

- Vocabulary: weekend activities / Excuses for being late: I overslept , etc.

(Class 4.2)

- Speaking: What are you doing this weekend?

- Vocabulary: Expressions to show uncertainty

- CA Task 1: Email 1


Week 5

(Class 5.1)

- Vocabulary: weekend activities

- Skill: Writing ‘Going Out: What’s on’

- Discussion: What do you like to do when you go out?

- General feedback on CA Task 1

(Class 5.2)

- Reading comprehension: ‘The Meeting’

- Vocabulary review and practice: weekend activities.

- Oral and written practice: future plans and arrangements (will vs going to)

April 12 - Email 1 9

Claudia Marquez 9 AprApril 9 at 16:462024-04-09 16:46:09

Dear Students, remember CA Task 1: Email 1 this Friday (April 12) 
Kind Regards

Welcome to English II Class 10

Claudia Marquez 18 MarMarch 18 at 12:452024-03-18 12:45:18

Dear students:

It is a pleasure to greet you. I'm Claudia Márquez and through this message, I would like to remind you that classes begin this week. In this context, I want to wish you a lot of success and tell you that if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me back.

Best Regards