
Promedio final 15

Carla Araneda F. 12 Dic 202312/12/23 a las 15:19 hrs.2023-12-12 15:19:12

Dear all,
las notas ya están subidas y su promedio final listo. Si tienen dudas o ver alguna discordancia avísenme por favor asap ya que el acta se cierra definitivamente el viernes 15.
Espero que tengan una muy buena tarde!

Blog Post 5 12

Pamela Lara M. 21 Oct 202321/10/23 a las 11:42 hrs.2023-10-21 11:42:21

Dear students,
I hope you are all well. Blog Post 5 has been uploaded to my blog with my example and the instructions, for this blog you need to write about the changes you would like to make to your study program.
Remember that you need to do your post, comment on my blog, and then comment on 3 of your classmates' blogs (4 comments in total). Don't forget my blog!
Also, remember that you have 48 hrs to do it. The deadline is Monday 23rd.
Pamela Lara
p.s. It's the last Blog!!!!

Class October 20th 16

Pamela Lara M. 19 Oct 202319/10/23 a las 15:15 hrs.2023-10-19 15:15:19
Important Information

Dear students,

Debido a las movilizaciones programadas para mañana, les informo que las clases de inglés no se suspenden, pero solo por este día (20 de octubre) se modificará la modalidad de clases a Online

Pamela Lara

Speaking Midterm Pairs 17

Pamela Lara M. 11 Oct 202311/10/23 a las 22:45 hrs.2023-10-11 22:45:11

Dear students,

Remember that this week we have the Speaking Midterm on Friday, October 13th. This test is done in pairs and you need to create a conversation related to a topic I will present to you at the moment of the test. The pairing is as follows:
8:46 Fabián Fuentes - Benjamín Salinas
8:54 Loreto Aravena - Tomás Romero
9:02 Catalina Godoy - Gabriel Bastías
9:10 Rocío Muñoz - Franco Vera
9:18 Cerezo Hernández - Rocío Pérez
9:26 Cristóbal Torres - Jeremi Cárdenas
9:34 Ariana Beltrán - Antonia Venegas - Benjamín Tobar*

PLEASE be on time so you don't affect the other classmates' time.

Speaking Midterm 11

Pamela Lara M. 6 Oct 202306/10/23 a las 12:08 hrs.2023-10-06 12:08:06

Dear students,

Remember that next week we have the Speaking Midterm on Friday, October 13th. This test is done in pairs and you need to create a conversation related to a topic I will present to you at the moment of the test. So far I don't have all the pairs, so please let me know the pairing, if you don't have one I'll assign a student to be paired with.
8:46 Fabián Fuentes - Benjamín Salinas
9:02 Catalina Godoy - Gabriel Bastías
9:10 Rocío Muñoz - Franco Vera
9:18 Cerezo Hernández - Rocío Pérez
9:26 Cristóbal Torres - Jeremi Cárdenas
Missing students on the list:
- Loreto Aravena
- Ariana Beltrán
- Tomás Romero
- Benjamín Tobar*
- Antonia Venegas

Blog Post 4 16

Pamela Lara M. 6 Oct 202306/10/23 a las 11:45 hrs.2023-10-06 11:45:06

Dear students,
I hope you are all well. Blog Post 4 has been uploaded to my blog with my example and the instructions, for this blog you need to write about time travel.
Remember that you need to do your post, comment on my blog, and then comment on 3 of your classmates' blogs. Don't forget my blog!
Also, remember that you have 48 hrs to do it.
Pamela Lara

Blog Post 3 18

Pamela Lara M. 29 Sep 202329/09/23 a las 11:21 hrs.2023-09-29 11:21:29

Dear students,
I hope you are all well. Blog Post 3 has been uploaded to my blog with my example and the instructions, for this blog you need to write about your dream job!
Remember that you need to do your post, comment on my blog, and then comment on 3 of your classmates' blogs. Don't forget my blog!
Also, remember that you have 48 hrs to do it.
Pamela Lara

Video Talk Assessment 5

Pamela Lara M. 25 Sep 202325/09/23 a las 12:38 hrs.2023-09-25 12:38:25

Dear students,

The instructions for the Video Talk are already in Tareas. Remember that the deadline is next Monday at 12:00, but you can send it before that.
There is a Word Document with the instructions, recommendations, and rubric in Material Docente.

Pamela Lara

Blog Post 2 16

Pamela Lara M. 22 Sep 202322/09/23 a las 18:44 hrs.2023-09-22 18:44:22

Dear students,
I hope you are all well. Blog Post 2 has been uploaded to my blog with my example and the instructions, for this blog you have to choose between two topics, your best holidays or your best concert.
Remember that you need to do your post, comment on my blog, and then comment on 3 of your classmates' blogs.
Also, remember that you have 48 hrs to do it.
Pamela Lara

Blog Post 1 15

Pamela Lara M. 1 Sep 202301/09/23 a las 19:00 hrs.2023-09-01 19:00:01

Dear students,
I hope you are all well. Let me remind you of the Blog Post 1, which has already been uploaded to my blog with my example and the instructions.
Remember that you need to do your post, comment on my blog, and then comment on 3 of your classmates' blogs.
I'm still missing some URLs, don't forget to send them or I will not be able to correct your work.
Pamela Lara