Week 2 Extra practice

Pamela Lara M. 16 Oct 202016/10/20 a las 00:14 hrs.2020-10-16 00:14:16

Dear students,
In "Material Docente" I uploaded a grammar book and the list of verbs so you can study and practice. In the grammar book you can find extra exercises on the past simple in the units 10, 11 and 12. All the answers are at the end of the book.
I also uploaded a worksheet from the BBC to practice the ing-ed adjectives.
Here are some online exercises:
www.plataforma.uchile.cl/ ... er/theme03_act01.htm
www.plataforma.uchile.cl/ ... er/theme03_act02.htm
And, finally, here's a video that could help you with the pronunciation of the regular verbs.

Última Modificación 16 Oct 202016/10/20 a las 00:14 hrs.2020-10-16 00:14:16
Vistas Únicas 13