Week 4 Extra practice

Pamela Lara M. 30 Oct 202030/10/20 a las 23:54 hrs.2020-10-30 23:54:30

Dear students,

I think that you need some grammar practice, so here are some links to online exercises you can do in your own time to practice the future.
web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/ ... 330/grammar/fut1.htm
digitalcampus.free.fr/ ... ComplSentQCM.jqz.htm
agendaweb.org/ ... imple-exercises.html
In the last link you'll find a lot of extra exercises to choose from.

Pamela Lara
Última Modificación 30 Oct 202030/10/20 a las 23:54 hrs.2020-10-30 23:54:30
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