Week 3: Extra practice

Pamela Lara M. 23 Oct 202023/10/20 a las 17:54 hrs.2020-10-23 17:54:23

Dear students,

Part of the grammar of this unit you can find it in the grammar book, units 25 and 26 where you can also find exercises.
Also, on this link, you have more practice:
www.plataforma.uchile.cl/ ... er/theme04_act03.htm
And here, there's some extra listening practice:
www.esl-lab.com/ ... nversation-starters/

Pamela Lara
Última Modificación 23 Oct 202023/10/20 a las 17:54 hrs.2020-10-23 17:54:23
Vistas Únicas 18