Important: About today's class

Ernesto Sanhueza Martínez 29 Oct 202029/10/20 a las 11:41 hrs.2020-10-29 11:41:29

Dear All,

Due to technical problems, I lost the video of the class and therefore can't share it with you..

For the ones who did not attend,(big majority), what we did today was to begin with a new topic: medical tools. You have to do all the activities that I uploaded on Material Docente, and use wikipedia to read and get more information about the different medical tools appearing in these activities.

Next Thursday we will not have zoom class. Instead, you will have the first evaluated reading quiz. We will use U Test to do it. The theme of this reading comprehension quiz will revolve around Medical tools. I'll get back with more details on Monday. (tiempo de duración y hora de partida y cierre del quiz)

Última Modificación 29 Oct 202029/10/20 a las 11:43 hrs.2020-10-29 11:43:29
Vistas Únicas 30