pdf The HARPS search for southern extra-solar planets.pdf

1 May 200701/05/07 a las 20:03 hrs.2007-05-01 20:03:01 por Marcelo Leseigneur P.

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Descripción Esto no tiene nada que ver con el curso, solo les mando el paper relativo al nuevo planeta tipo tierra descubiero recientemente. Esta es realmente una novedad y está recien salida del horno estelar.

This Letter reports on the detection of two super-Earth planets in the Gl 581 system, already known to harbour a hot
Neptune. One of the planets has a mass of 5M and resides in the habitable zone of the star. It is thus the known exoplanet
which most resembles our own Earth. The other planet has a 7.7M mass and orbits at 0.25AU from the star. These two new
light planets around an M3 dwarf further confirm the formerly tentative statistical trend for i) many more very low-mass planets
being found around M dwarfs than around solar-type stars and ii) low-mass planets outnumbering Jovian planets around M
Año 2007
Autor S. Udry1, X. Bonfils2, X. Delfosse3,
Última Modificación 1 May 200701/05/07 a las 20:03 hrs.2007-05-01 20:03:01