
Summary of Online Class on 17-06 and Important Updates 6

Jordan Masias O. 17 JunLunes 17 de Junio a las 18:32 hrs.2024-06-17 18:32:17
Class Summaries

Dear Students,


In today's online session, we began by discussing the current schedule and the ongoing strike and sit-in. We concluded that it is essential to stay very alert to any information that may arise throughout the week.


After addressing these updates, we started the class by reviewing the content we had previously covered, focusing on the topic of comparisons in various degrees using both adjectives and adverbs. First, we examined an explanatory infographic ( ), followed by additional examples of expressions for equivalence and emphasis ( . Subsequently, we completed several online games related to the same topic ( ) , including a game and an online quiz.


Due to the low number of participants and the lack of access to microphones, we had to suspend the Speaking section. However, I have left two speaking activities with customized questions for students of Film Studies (  and Journalism ( .


In the second session, we began by revisiting the concept of collocations, and using a visual summary ( ), we explored the collocations of the word "work". This marked the beginning of Unit 7, titled "Job Market," which aims to help students develop linguistic abilities to describe and discuss various jobs and professions, including skills and requirements, using modals to express ability and prepositions of place correctly. We then focused on a vocabulary activity, followed by a reading comprehension activity and a brief written discussion ( We concluded the session with written exercises about workplace vocabulary ( and ending with very brief listening comprehension exercises related to people talking about their professions ( .


Additionally, I have assigned homework on the platform, which will help you practice for the written exam.



Please ensure you complete the assigned tasks and stay updated with any announcements.


Best regards,

Professor Masías O.

Update: Classes next week will be held online 10

Jordan Masias O. 14 JunViernes 14 de Junio a las 17:45 hrs.2024-06-14 17:45:14
Important Information

Dear all, 

I hope all is fine, 
This is to share the following information received:

' Como ya sabrán, el campus Juan Gómez Millas sigue en toma. Ante esta situación, y de acuerdo con los lineamientos de la Dirección de Pregrado de la FACULTAD, se ha acordado realizar las clases en modalidad remota sincrónica, a través de Clase Virtual (Zoom) de U-Cursos.
Estaremos evaluando la situación y les escribiré nuevamente.

Con respecto a asistencia y evaluaciones, por ahora, seguimos con las mismas medidas que ya veníamos aplicando. 
  • Las clases deben realizarse en modalidad remota sincrónica a través de Clase Virtual de U-Cursos. Se debe avanzar en los contenidos y actividades programadas en el syllabus de cada nivel, pues el calendario del semestre de inglés no se extenderá.
  • Si no se conectan estudiantes en la hora de inicio, esperen unos 15-20 minutos y suban a Material Docente el material correspondiente a la clase y el material extra que consideren necesario, junto con publicar en Novedades sus indicaciones para trabajarlo.
  • Por ahora, seguimos sin tomar evaluaciones. Se reprogramarán cuando finalice el paro. 
  • La asistencia a clases debe registrarse en U-Cursos pero las inasistencias quedan "justificadas" y no afectan por tanto al porcentaje mínimo requerido para la aprobación en los cursos de inglés.

Look forward should you have any questions. 

Have a lovely day. 

Prof. Jordán Masías

Recap of Last Session on June 10th 7

Jordan Masias O. 11 Jun11 de Junio a las 12:17 hrs.2024-06-11 12:17:11
Class Summaries

Dear Students,


I hope this finds you well. Here is a brief recap of our class today, June 10th


We began with a review of vocabulary related to the academic and student world ( Following that, we analyzed two charts summarizing the educational systems of the United Kingdom and the United States. After interpreting both charts together, we moved on to defining our Chilean educational system based on the information from both charts. Before comparing and contrasting the three educational systems, we reviewed the forms for making comparisons and talking about superlatives, focusing on A2+ level structures and including phrases and expressions related to a more academic register ( . We then conducted an individual comparison of the three exposed systems.


After a break, we continued with an online quiz to consolidate our understanding of comparatives and superlatives. We followed this with an interactive, gamified listening comprehension activity related to Finland’s Educational System, working together on various exercises. We concluded with an extended listening comprehension task ( ) related to the problems of Contemporary Education, ending with a discussion to develop our communication skills further.


Please stay tuned for any news regarding the strike.


Best regards,

Prof. Masías O.


Today's Class will be held online via Zoom. 13

Jordan Masias O. 10 Jun10 de Junio a las 06:18 hrs.2024-06-10 06:18:10
Important Information

Dear all, 

I hope all is fine, 
This is to share the following information received last Friday evening:

' Como ya sabrán, el campus Juan Gómez Millas amaneció tomado el lunes pasado. Ante esta situación, y de acuerdo con los lineamientos de la Dirección de Pregrado de la FACULTAD, se ha acordado realizar las clases en modalidad remota sincrónica, a través de Clase Virtual (Zoom) de U-Cursos.
Estaremos evaluando la situación y les escribiré nuevamente.

Con respecto a asistencia y evaluaciones, por ahora, seguimos con las mismas medidas que ya veníamos aplicando. 
  • Las clases deben realizarse en modalidad remota sincrónica a través de Clase Virtual de U-Cursos. Se debe avanzar en los contenidos y actividades programadas en el syllabus de cada nivel, pues el calendario del semestre de inglés no se extenderá.
  • Si no se conectan estudiantes en la hora de inicio, esperen unos 15-20 minutos y suban a Material Docente el material correspondiente a la clase y el material extra que consideren necesario, junto con publicar en Novedades sus indicaciones para trabajarlo.
  • Por ahora, seguimos sin tomar evaluaciones. Se reprogramarán cuando finalice el paro. 
  • La asistencia a clases debe registrarse en U-Cursos pero las inasistencias quedan "justificadas" y no afectan por tanto al porcentaje mínimo requerido para la aprobación en los cursos de inglés.

Look forward should you have any questions. 

Have a lovely day. 

Prof. Jordán Masías

Summary of the Class on Monday, 03-06 (week 12) 10

Jordan Masias O. 5 Jun5 de Junio a las 18:36 hrs.2024-06-05 18:36:05
Class Summaries

Dear Students,

In our last session on Monday, 03-06, we began with a conversation about the current strike. Following that, we used images to conduct an integrative activity that combined discussion and writing. This served as an introductory review of vocabulary related to discrimination, gender roles, race, ecology, and other relevant topics.

Afterward, we worked in groups on a vocabulary activity and reviewed writing, focusing on the different paragraph construction models we have analyzed in our recent sessions.

During the second part of the class, we conducted a practice activity to fine-tune the details for the presentations that will take place once we resume in-person classes. Additionally, we addressed issues related to the correction of the homework that was pending review.

Please stay alert for any updates regarding the strike and the occupation of the campus.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Prof. Masías O. 

Week 10-11 Class Summary and Important Updates 11

Jordan Masias O. 3 Jun3 de Junio a las 12:08 hrs.2024-06-03 12:08:03
Class Summaries

Dear Students,


I am writing to recap what we covered in our recent sessions and to provide some important updates.


First, a reminder that Week 10th corresponded to a holiday, so the class was suspended. In our class on May 27th, during the first session, we reviewed the Burger Model as a general approach to the structuring, organization, and composition of paragraphs in English. We explored different ways to understand this model through various examples and virtual exercises to reinforce our understanding. Additionally, we discussed how using connectors,  and transitional phrases can help us expand the length of our paragraphs. All the materials are available on U-Cursos for your review.


In the second part of the class, we conducted a brief webquest in small groups on two formulaic paragraph writing models: the MEAL Plan from Duke University and the RARE Response Model. After our mini research, we shared our findings in a plenary session, where more examples of all the models we have covered were provided. You were asked to produce mini-texts exemplifying these approaches and collaboratively analyzed different paragraphs to recognize the characteristics and scope of these formulaic structures. We also assigned a task to reinforce these skills and to prepare you for the upcoming writing test, which will be scheduled once we resume in-person classes after the strike.


Please remember that we also have the round of talks pending, so ensure you are prepared for our return to classes next week (tentatively), at which time we should proceed with the presentations of your topics. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible.


Regarding this week's class, please note that due to the sit-in at the campus, our class will be held virtually. I would like to emphasize that this is dynamic information, and we are still awaiting instructions from the English Program coordination. Any updates will be communicated promptly, so please stay tuned.


Best regards,

Professor Masías O.

Clases de hoy de manera Virtual por situación en JGM 9

Jordan Masias O. 3 Jun3 de Junio a las 11:22 hrs.2024-06-03 11:22:03
Important Information

Estimadas y estimados estudiantes,


Les informo que las clases programadas para el día de hoy se desarrollarán de manera virtual debido a una situación de toma en el campus JGM.


Les estaré informando oportunamente en cuanto surjan novedades al respecto, por lo que les solicito encarecidamente que permanezcan atentas y atentos a las comunicaciones que se les enviarán.


Saludos cordiales,

Profesor Masías O. 

Important Update on Class Format and Attendance 17

Jordan Masias O. 27 May27 de Mayo a las 11:43 hrs.2024-05-27 11:43:27
Important Information

Dear Students,


I hope this message finds you well.


I wanted to share some important information that was communicated this morning by the General Coordination of the English Program, along with the FCEI Direction:


"There is no suspension of academic activities by the Faculty.

- English courses will not be suspended in case of student strikes. Given the current situation, where in-person attendance is not possible, the courses will be conducted online.


- If there is no quorum of students, the professors will upload the relevant class material and any additional resources deemed necessary to the "Material Docente" section in U-Cursos. They will also provide instructions in the "Novedades" section on how to work with these materials. Please note that the academic calendar will not be extended, and missed classes cannot be rescheduled.


- Attendance must be recorded in U-Cursos for each class. Absences will be marked as "justified absences."


- Any evaluations that were scheduled for these dates will need to be rescheduled.


Please acknowledge receipt of this information, and if you have any questions or concerns about the situation, do not hesitate to contact me.


Best regards,

Professor Masías O. 

Regarding today's (27-05) class 14

Jordan Masias O. 27 May27 de Mayo a las 08:49 hrs.2024-05-27 08:49:27
Important Information

Dear Students,

I hope this email finds you well and that you are all having a wonderful day.

I am writing to inform you that both the Faculty Administration and the General Coordination of the English Program have indicated that today's classes will continue as normal and in-person. And that throughout the day, any modifications or updates to this information will be communicated to us in a timely manner.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Professor Jordán Masías

Week 8 Class Summary 9

Jordan Masias O. 9 May9 de Mayo a las 13:37 hrs.2024-05-09 13:37:09
Class Ssummaries

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! I wanted to give you a quick rundown of what we covered in our last class and what's coming up next.

In our recent session, we went over the feedback from our latest evaluations and conducted a corrrection of our writing tests. After that, we kicked off Unit 4, where we explored the topic of making plans and how it relates to future tenses. You can find all the material you need for this unit on U-Cursos.

We also discussed the upcoming presentations, and all the details are posted in the "Material Docente" section on the platform. The presentation dates are available in the "Calendario" section on U-Cursos, so make sure to review them.

One more thing! For our next class, it would be great if each of you could bring a portion of your presentation already prepared. We'll provide feedback and you'll have a chance to practice before the actual presentation.

If you have any questions or need clarification on anything, feel free to reach out.

Looking forward to our next session!

Best regards,

Professor Masías .