Seminario en el Departamento de Biología

Alfonso Droguett 11 Abr 202211/04/22 a las 10:28 hrs.2022-04-11 10:28:11

"Environmental Epigenetics: From Ecotoxicology to Evolution"

Expositor: Dr. Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna, Profesor Asociado, Equipo de investigación Epigenética Ambiental, Universidad de Uppsala.

Anfitrión: Dr. Alexander Vargas Milne.

Resumen: The field of environmental epigenetics investigates how environmental exposures from different sources affect the epigenetic makeup of organisms and populations. In the present seminar, I will present my past and current research on i) the epigenetic and transgenerational effects of early developmental exposures of rodents to environmental toxicants, ii) the identification of epigenetic marks in relation to exposures that cause stress during the early life of farm animals, and iii) the influence of epigenetic mechanisms in vertebrate genome dynamics within an evolutionary context.

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-ID de la reunión: 86331703792
-Clave: 912443

Organiza: Departamento de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias.

Unidad de Comunicaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias

Última Modificación 11 Abr 202211/04/22 a las 10:28 hrs.2022-04-11 10:28:11
Vistas Únicas 289