[Extra Announcement #2] English 4 Tutorships

René Larenas M. 9 Nov 202209/11/22 a las 21:44 hrs.2022-11-09 21:44:09

Dear Students,

On behalf of the English Program, and also, as we have talked through our last session, I leave you a link for you to enrol in these tutorships that are destined to help you in case you need them to practice your English or if you feel the need to prepare better the Final Oral or Written Exams [SUFI Exams or 'Examenes de Suficiencia] These tutorships will be done synchronically/online

The link as follows, https://forms.gle/6WYwaTNwYJJgo9r6A

Best Regards
Categoría Special Announcement
Última Modificación 9 Nov 202209/11/22 a las 21:44 hrs.2022-11-09 21:44:09
Vistas Únicas 8